工作坊宣傳 2020/08/18
2020 調查研究方法工作坊:因果推論方法與應用

本中心將於8/19到8/21,與中研院調查研究專題中心與台灣經濟學會合辦「2020 調查研究方法工作坊:因果推論方法與應用」。此次工作坊將介紹幾個社會科學中常用的因果推論方法,每個方法皆會先提供相關理論的介紹,再搭配社會科學上的實際應用進行講解,最後,也會使用R與STATA的範例程式與資料,帶領學員實際操作上述因果推論的方法

雖然工作坊報名期間截止、人數也滿額,但是錯過報名的朋友們,還是有機會參與喔。本中心會於9/11前,在中心 Youtube 頻道分享團隊成員俞振華老師的課程影片!



研討會宣傳 2020/06/10
2020 TIGCR International Conference on “Political Polarization: Perspective of Governance and Communication"

For the 2020 TIGCR International Conference on “Political Polarization: Perspective of Governance and Communication”, scholars are invited to analyze the causes, distribution, and impacts of political polarization related to algorithm, fake news, political participation, issue position, and ideology, etc., by using survey data, big data, content analysis, and comparative studies. We aim to prevent and alleviate polarization of opinion to create a sustainable and harmonious society.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Political Polarization: public opinion survey, technological impacts on political attitudes and behaviors, causes, effects, and related discussions of political polarization, etc.
  2. Democratic Governance: political attitudes of government bureaucrats and citizens, polarization perception and democratic governance, and bureaucratic responsiveness, etc.
  3. Political Communication: news media and political communication, governance and communication interaction, political polarization and social media usage, fake news, echo chamber effect, and algorithm, etc.


Important Dates

  1. Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 March 2020
  2. Acceptance Notification: 6 April 2020
  3. Full paper submission deadline: 30 September 2020


演講宣傳 2020/06/09
【演講Q&A】Heraclitus and the Standards of Science: A Case for Considering Open Science Practices in Communication Science

接續5/27(三) Texas Tech University的Nick Bowman副教授的線上演講「Heraclitus and the Standards of Science: A Case for Considering Open Science Practices in Communication Science」,台灣政經傳播研究中心TIGCR在06/17(三)邀請Bowman副教授於線上直播答覆對演講的提問,歡迎一起加入開放科學(open science)應用的討論。



Nick Bowman是美國Texas Tech University的副教授。他的研究興趣為民眾的認知、情緒、社交、生理等需求,如何影響互動媒體的使用行為,解釋電動遊戲(虛擬實境、擴增實境以及其他互動媒體等)的影響效果。Dr. Bowman發表了超過80篇經同儕審查的文章,並擔任重要期刊編輯。

  • 主題:Online Q&A (Heraclitus and the Standards of Science: A Case for Considering Open Science Practices in Communication Science)
  • 講者:Nick Bowman (Associate Professor, Journalism and Creative Media Industries, Texas Tech University, USA)
  • 主持人:林日璇 (國立政治大學傳播學院教授)
  • 時間:2020/06/17 (三) 下午17:30
  • 形式:線上直播


  1. 本次問答將以線上方式舉行,報名成功者將在活動前一天(06/16)以email方式收到活動連結;連結僅供確認網址是否有效,尚無法觀看影片。如果您沒有在06/16下班前收到連結,請與我們聯絡。
  2. 如果可以經由連結成功進入網站,就可以在06/17(三)下午17:30透過連結網址前往觀看線上問答,對活動內容有疑問的話則可以透過留言、email方式提問。

※※報名網址https://bit.ly/3h1kPb0 ※※

演講宣傳 2020/05/07
【演講】Heraclitus and the Standards of Science: A Case for Considering Open Science Practices in Communication Science

台灣政經傳播研究中心TIGCR邀請Texas Tech University的Nick Bowman副教授發表線上演講「Heraclitus and the Standards of Science: A Case for Considering Open Science Practices in Communication Science」。


Science is a field that presents knowledge while paradoxically complicated and updating the same. This turbulence can be found in the very evolutions of our scientific standards of practice, from how we conduct work and collect data to how we analyze, present, and share our work with interested audiences. In response to broad calls for transparency in science and recognizing the affordances of online knowledge distribution, a growing number of communication scholars, journals, institutions, and learned associations are encouraging us to reconsider how we produce science for maximum impact. Our current presentation will (a) review the genesis of open science practices, (b) outline an agenda of seven open science practices relevant to communication science, (c) discuss costs and benefits associated with this agenda and (d) provide specific recommendations and examples for adopting some or all of the proposed agenda in your own research, including special considerations for political communication research. The online session will include a follow-up question and answer session.





Nick Bowman是美國Texas Tech University的副教授。他的研究興趣為民眾的認知、情緒、社交、生理等需求,如何影響互動媒體的使用行為,解釋電動遊戲(虛擬實境、擴增實境以及其他互動媒體等)的影響效果。Dr. Bowman發表了超過80篇經同儕審查的文章,並擔任重要期刊編輯。

  • 講題:Heraclitus and the Standards of Science: A Case for Considering Open Science Practices in Communication Science
  • 講者:Nick Bowman (Associate Professor, Journalism and Creative Media Industries, Texas Tech University, USA)
  • 時間:2020/05/27 (三) 中午13:30
  • 形式:線上工作坊


  1. 本次演講將以線上方式舉行,報名成功者將在演講前一天(05/26)以email方式收到YouTube連結;連結僅供確認網址是否有效,尚無法觀看影片。如果您沒有在05/26下班前收到連結,請與我們聯絡。
  2. 如果可以經由連結成功進入網站,就可以在05/27(三)下午13:30透過連結網址前往觀看演講影片,對演講內容有疑問的話則可以透過留言、email方式提問。

※※報名網址 https://bit.ly/2xLLuac※※

工作坊宣傳 2020/04/01

台灣政經傳播研究中心TIGCR在4月29日(三)下午1點半,以線上教學的方式舉行【TIGCR調查資料分析實務工作坊】。本次工作坊由政治學系黃紀教授、公共行政學系董祥開副教授主講,使用TIGCR在去年釋出的一般民眾定群追蹤調查資料(TIGCR-PPS 2018)、文官定群追蹤網調資料(TIGCR-TGBS 2018),介紹TIGCR資料庫,並會搭配統計軟體,示範如何運用這兩筆調查資料探索台灣民眾、政府文官的議題立場等重要研究問題。

使用資料:一般民眾定群追蹤調查資料(TIGCR-PPS 2018)、文官定群追蹤網調資料(TIGCR-TGBS 2018)

1. 本次工作坊將以線上教學方式舉行,報名成功者將在工作坊前一天(04/28)以email方式收到YouTube連結;連結僅供確認網址是否有效,尚無法觀看影片。如果您沒有在04/28下班前收到連結,請與我們聯絡。
2. 如果可以經由連結成功進入網站,就可以在04/29(三)下午13:30透過連結網址前往觀看工作坊影片,對工作坊內容有疑問的話則可以透過留言、email方式提問


  • 講者:黃紀 (國立政治大學政治學系講座教授、台灣政經傳播研究中心主任)
  • 時長:15分鐘


  • 講者:黃紀 (國立政治大學政治學系講座教授、台灣政經傳播研究中心主任)
  • 時長:30分鐘


  • 講者:董祥開 (國立政治大學公共行政學系副教授、台灣政經傳播研究中心文官網調小組召集人)
  • 時長:30分鐘



研討會宣傳 2020/02/15
2020 TIGCR International Conference Call for Papers

The Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research (TIGCR) will hold an international conference on “Political Polarization: Perspective of Governance and Communication” on 30 October 2020 at the National Chengchi University.

On the basis of the discussion in the 2019 TIGCR International Conference last year, this conference keeps focusing on the phenomenon of political polarization and its core concepts: democratic governance, social media usage, and political communication.

For the 2020 TIGCR International Conference on “Political Polarization: Perspective of Governance and Communication”, scholars are invited to analyze the causes, distribution, and impacts of political polarization related to algorithm, fake news, political participation, issue position, and ideology, etc., by using survey data, big data, content analysis, and comparative studies. We aim to prevent and alleviate polarization of opinion to create a sustainable and harmonious society.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Political Polarization: public opinion survey, technological impacts on political attitudes and behaviors, causes, effects, and related discussions of political polarization, etc.
  2. Democratic Governance: political attitudes of government bureaucrats and citizens, polarization perception and democratic governance, and bureaucratic responsiveness, etc.
  3. Political Communication: news media and political communication, governance and communication interaction, political polarization and social media usage, fake news, echo chamber effect, and algorithm, etc.


Important Dates

  1. Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 March 2020
  2. Acceptance Notification: 6 April 2020
  3. Full paper submission deadline: 30 September 2020


Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. 300-word abstracts must be written in MS Word format and must include: title, authors, and affiliations. Abstracts must be submitted not later than March 16, 2020.
  2. TIGCR welcomes the submission of original works. To submit your abstract, send your paper to tigcr.nccu@gmail.com.
  3. All submissions must be in English, and accepted papers will be presented as oral presentations in English.