


計畫主題: 人工智慧社群機器人發展對於網路政治言論與媒體呈現影響之研究

計畫主持人: 林翠絹 (國立政治大學廣播與電視學系教授)


A Special Issue of Asian Journal of Communication

Social-political polarization in Asia: political communication, social media and digital governance

1. Prof. Trisha T. C. Lin, National Chengchi University (Email: trishlin@nccu.edu.tw)

2. Prof. Tasi Chia-Huang, National Chengchi University (Email:tsaich@nccu.edu.tw)

In recent years, Asian countries with diverse political and cultural systems have encountered various kinds of socio-political polarization situations. New media and online technologies foster like-minded people to develop virtual communities for sharing perspectives and reinforcing similar beliefs. Although the openness of the Internet allows individuals to receive different ideas, the formation of polarization could worsen under the circumstances of selective exposure on fragmental ideologies and information through online social media networks. Those who dwell in information cocoons tend to filter dissents, firmly believe in specific world views, and go to extremes. New media algorithms functioning as filter bubbles have been criticized as contributing to worsening social-political polarization as these black-box machinery mechanisms predetermine users’ exposure to information they tend to like or enjoy and develop filter bubbles to reduce chances to encounter different opinions.

In the context of political communication, media are used as tools for social management and sometimes as weapons in social conflicts. Scholars have devoted significant energies to study mass media effects in elite communication, messaging and advertising by political parties and paid increasing attention to examine the impacts of social media and new technologies on election campaigns and public opinion formation. Two major research strands in political communication are agenda-setting theory and framing theory: the former addresses the importance of media topics, while the latter focuses on the way that media structure the information they convey. Through algorithmic customization, social media use involves complexity of multi-stakeholders’ agenda-setting and framing forces is regarded as effective weaponized tools to influentially shape ideology, identity and socio-political polarization. When people who expose to homogeneous views through political communication, they believe their thoughts similar to the majority, which deepens the gaps among different political parties or social groups and thus cause political turmoil and societal chao.

The special issue focuses on the phenomenon of socio-political polarization, with perspectives from political communication, social media impact and digital governance. We invite papers that analyze the causes, distribution, and impact of political polarization related to social media, algorithm, fake news, political participation, issue position, and ideology, etc., by various methods and approaches such as survey data, big data, content analysis, and comparative studies. Additionally, we warmly welcome manuscripts that address the questions of media’s agenda-setting and framing issues and their influences on political communication and socio-political polarization. We are interested in the extent to which various organizations and institutions promoting specific agendas alone or in a coordinated fashion. In particular, we hope to grapple with the cause and consequence of polarization with understanding. The combination of mass media, the emergence of social media designed to target sub-population, and the development of algorithms capable of systematically manipulating the fabric of the internet all highlight new opportunities for political and social actors seeking to manipulate public opinions. This special issue invites manuscripts that will enhance the understanding as well as prevent or alleviate polarization of public opinions and will contribute to provide insights for policy making and political communication campaign so as to promote social harmony and sustainability. Overall, we believe this special issue will provide important empirical insights regarding the reach of contemporary polarization.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Socio-political Polarization: Detection of latent public opinion, effects of digital technology on attitudes and behaviors, causes and consequences of political polarization, and related discussions of political polarization, etc.
  2. Social Media effects: Governance and communication interaction, fake news issue, echo chamber effect, campaign strategies on Internet, press freedom, political polarization and social media use, etc.
  3. Political Communication: news media and political communication, governance and communication interaction, political polarization and social media usage, fake news, echo chamber effect, and algorithm, etc.
  4. Digital Governance: Political attitudes of government bureaucrats, political polarization, digitalization and governance, etc.
  5. Media agenda-setting and framing theories

Submission Instructions

All authors are required to submit an extended abstract of their paper by April 15, 2021. Extended abstracts should have a length of 500-800 words (excluding tables, figures, and references). Extended abstracts should be submitted in a pdf format through email to tigcr.nccu@gmail.com.

The special issue editors will screen the extended abstracts for fit with the above descriptions. Authors will be informed about decisions on the extended abstracts by May 15, 2021. Authors who are invited to submit full papers will need to submit their manuscripts by August 1st, 2021. Each full paper of the special issue should be between 6000 and 9000 words, inclusive of tables, references, figure captions, endnotes, with an abstract of 200 words. Full papers should be submitted following the Asian Journal of Communication standard submission process (see http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=rajc20&page=instructions).

Important Dates:

Extended abstract submission deadline April 15th, 2021

Decision for abstract acceptance deadline May 15th, 2021

Full paper submission deadline  August 1st, 2021

First round review decisions September 1st, 2021

First round revisions due October 15th, 2021

Second round review decisions November 15th, 2021

Final submission December 15, 2021



For more information, please visit AJC website: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/asia-political-communication-social-media-digital-governance/?utm_source=TFO&utm_medium=cms&utm_campaign=JPG15743








2021 TIGCR International Conference on “Political Polarization: Perspectives of Governance and Communication”

Main Theme: Political Polarization: Perspectives of Governance and Communication


About the Conference

The Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research (TIGCR) will hold an international conference on “Political Polarization: Perspective of Governance and Communication” on 29 October 2021 at the National Chengchi University.

On the basis of the discussion in the 2020 TIGCR International Conference, this conference will focus on the phenomenon of political polarization and its core concepts: democratic governance, social media usage, and political communication.

For the 2021 TIGCR International Conference, scholars are invited to analyze the causes, distribution, and impacts of political polarization related to algorithm, fake news, political participation, issue position, and ideology, etc., by using survey data, big data, content analysis, and comparative studies. We aim to prevent and alleviate polarization of opinion to create a sustainable and harmonious society.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Political Polarization: public opinion survey, technological impacts on political attitudes and behaviors, causes, effects, and related discussions of political polarization, etc.
  2. Democratic Governance: political attitudes of government bureaucrats and citizens, polarization perception and democratic governance, and bureaucratic responsiveness, etc.
  3. Political Communication: news media and political communication, governance and communication interaction, political polarization and social media usage, fake news, echo chamber effect, and algorithm, etc.


Important Dates

  1. Abstract Submission Deadline: March 8th, 2021
  2. Acceptance Notification: April 7th, 2021
  3. Full paper submission deadline: September 30th, 2021


Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. 300-word abstracts must be written in MS Word format and must include: title, authors, and affiliations. Abstracts must be submitted not later than March 8th, 2021
  2. TIGCR welcomes the submission of original works. To submit your abstract, send your paper to tigcr.nccu@gmail.com.
  3. All submissions must be in English, and accepted papers will be presented as oral presentations in English.



  1. 具活動企劃、籌備與執行經驗
  2. 熟悉影音軟體,具文宣設計、影像剪輯能力尤佳
  3. 具英文溝通能力
  4. 能按照規劃按時完成事項


  1. 具教育部認可之國內外學士級或碩士級助理。
  2. 曾執行學校專案計畫、籌辦大型活動經驗者尤佳。
  3. 主動積極、具服務熱忱、細心且抗壓性高。
  4. 能按時完成交付事項。

(四)待遇:依照「 國立政治大學研究計畫專任助理人員工作酬金敘薪參考表」(碩士級)。



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