
TIGCR Visit in Singapore Investigation in International Issues at RSIS


On the morning, July 2, 2019, TIGCR Planning Committee visited S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). The visit started in a lively atmosphere, with the participants from RSIS, including the Dean, Prof. Ralf Emmers, the research fellow, Dr. Gulizar Haciyakupoglu, Assistant Prof. HOO, Tiang Boon, and Assistant Prof. LEE, Chia-yi.

TIGCR Planning Committee visited RSIS

(Photo credit: TIGCR)

The Dean of RSIS briefly introduced the school as one of the think tanks regarding international affairs in Singapore. The study focuses of RSIS not only cover the traditional fields such as international relations and diplomacy, but also reach the heated international issues, including immigration, global energy, digital security, and religious problem in diverse society. RSIS is aiming to provide Singapore society with in-depth policy report into global affairs with experienced research and observation.

        On behalf of TIGCR, the Associate Director, Prof. Tsai Chia Hung presented the research domains and ongoing projects of TIGCR, including surveys, international collaboration and the annual policy report. Besides, Prof. Tsai demonstrated TIGCR’s analysis on political and communication polarization in Taiwan targeting the public and the bureaucracy, which interest RSIS members and trigger heated discussion.


Prof. Tsai Chia Hung presented the research domains and ongoing projects of TIGCR

(Photo credit: TIGCR)

        During the discussion of cross countries concerns, Dr. Gulizar Haciyakupoglu showed her interest in the study of fake news, which was also one of the research emphases of TIGCR. She suggested that there must be great influence on Taiwan society caused by the circulation of fake news. In her research, Dr. Gulizar Haciyakupoglu found the sources of fake news mainly from the media inclined to china government. Other participants all agreed that the democracy of Taiwan could not be jeopardized, and in turn differentiate the public. More observation on the public opinion was discussed in the meeting room that Prof. Ralf Emmers asked members from TIGCR if or not Taiwan people influenced by the current social movement in the adjacent countries like Hong Kong. In response to the question, Prof. Lin from TIGCR explained that there is a generation difference in Taiwan and young generation concern more on the prolong future and are more willing to participate in political activities.

        Utilizing this great opportunity, TIGCR members consulted RSIS on the conduct of policy report, especially in the analysis approach and targeting of audiences. Prof. Ralf Emmers explained there are two kinds of report published by RSIS, Think Tank Project and Academic Report. As the current manager of the Think Tank Project, He shared with the participants that the Project will be released as weekly or monthly paper with analysis, brief comment and forecast into recent international issues to inform the public of what’s going on nowadays. For example, the recent project made by RSIS was involved with the relevant discussion in the 2019 G20 Osaka summit.

This time, both RSIS and TIGCR learned a lot from each other and expected to engage in further collaboration in any form with full appreciation!