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Lin, Jih-Hsuan Tammy. 2019. "Strategic Social Grooming: Emergent Social Grooming Styles on Facebook, Social Capital and Well-Being." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. DOI: 10.1093/jcmc/zmz002. (Scopus)


Lin, Jih-Hsuan Tammy, and Dai-Yun Wu. 2019. "Newsgames for the Greater Good: The Effects of Graphic Realism and Geographic Proximity on Knowledge Acquisition and Willingness to Help." Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/1077699018820315. (Scopus)


Lin, Trisha T. C. 2019. "Why Do People Watch Multiscreen Videos and Use Dual Screening? Investigating Users’ Polychronicity, Media Multitasking Motivation, and Media Repertoire." International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1561813. (Scopus)


Lin, Trisha T. C., Anastasia Kononova, and Yi-Hsuan Chiang. 2019. "Screen Addiction and Media Multitasking among American and Taiwanese Users." Journal of Computer Information Systems. " DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2018.1556133. (Scopus)


Lin, Trisha T. C. and Yi-Hsuan Chiang. 2019. "Bridging Social Capital Matters to Social TV Viewing: Investigating Impact of Social Constructs On Program Loyalty." Telematics and Informatics. DOI: 10.1016/j.tele.2019.05.006. (Scopus)